1. Members & customers ambition

Listening to members & Customers

Crédit Mutuel Alliance Fédérale’s goal is to create a long-term relationship with its customers and members.

The objective is to ensure that members receive the best advice so that they always benefit from the products and services they need.

30 000 opinions collected on the customer satisfaction surveys in 2022

+90% of satisfaction rate on policyholders who have suffered a claim across all business units

Banking inclusiveness

Crédit Mutuel Alliance Fédérale is the bank for all customers and is attentive to supporting all those going through difficult life situations in respect of mutualist values, the professional codes of ethics and ethical and responsible actions.

Facil’Accès account for 1€ available to all customers when a situation of financial fragility appears

Learn about Facil’Accès account

Removal of the medical questionnaire in the process of purchasing a main residence for loyal customers

Learn about medical questionnaires

Risk management

Crédit Mutuel Alliance Fédérale provides its employees with a high level of continuous training to ensure they are well versed in prevention measures related to the fight against corruption, money laundering and terrorist financing and develops technological and in particular cognitive solutions to optimize their effectiveness.

6% of the payroll expense allocated to the training in 2022

86% of employees took training courses on rules of conduct in 2022

2. Gouvernance ambition

Efficiency of the governance bodies

The cooperative model imposes a certain transparency relative to the procedures attached to the appointment of members of the boards of directors, supervisory boards and the institutional life of the group.

80% Rising membership rate with +437 000 new members in 2022

90% Objectif to reach 90% of membership rate set in the 2019-2023 strategic plan

15 500 elected members in 2022

Membership momentum

The smooth management of the group's cooperative organization is aimed to guaranteeing balanced representation of elected directors without discrimination for the benefit of all members.

So that all new Crédit Mutuel customers can fully participate in the Crédit Mutuel Alliance Fédérale’s collective project, they are always offered the opportunity of becoming a member. Members are encouraged to become directors. The training of elected members is a priority.

+96% Rate of local elected members trained in 2022 with nearly 44,000 hours of training

Agora Social network and collaborative exchange platform aimed at promoting the operating model of the cooperative bank and facilitate interactions between members (+ than 324,000 users)

RSM challenges Setting up of duos MembersEmployees to promote the RSM approach

3. Societal ambition

ESG Purchasing Policy and responsible relationship

Crédit Mutuel Alliance Fédérale’s purchase policy, deployed with all entities, incorporates economic and quality criteria, respect of technical requirements and ESG factors.

Crédit Mutuel Alliance Fédérale favors relations with suppliers andor service providers whose contracts include the specific clauses from the reference texts on human rights and principles of combating all forms of corruption.

Crédit Mutuel Alliance Fédérale has reinforced this initiative by requesting that all its suppliers sign a sustainable and responsible purchasing charter.

4 000 Charters signed by suppliers in logistics and information technology

Purchasing charter to ensure long-term commercial relations with partners committed to takle the challenges of sustainable development.

Regional development and promoting local initiatives

As a leading employer and a group with an extensive regional presence, we seek to foster growth in activities that are anchored in local economic and social ecosystems.

Crédit Mutuel Alliance Fédérale also promotes local initiatives as part of its cooperative and mutualist model. This entails supporting customer-member associations by setting up partnerships and sponsorship initiatives around cultural, educational, sports or musical projects at all levels.

Creation of the Créavenir foundation

To support member-clients in difficulty through microcredits (1,348 new microcredits financed in 2021)

Learn more about Créavenir

Creation of Crédit Mutuel Solidaire

To provide effective support for the creation of businesses and jobs

Learn more about Crédit Mutuel solidaire

Launch of Start innovation CIC and Semeur d’innovation (sower of innovation)

To facilitate the development of customers and members with projects in connection with the actors of the innovation ecosystem in a spirit of synergy

Learn more about Start Innovation

Fédération du Crédit Mutuel Sud-Est is the founding and exclusive partner for the banking and insurance sector of H7

Lyon's main hub for startups and innovation

Discover H7

4. Social ambition

Equal opportunity

Crédit Mutuel Alliance Fédérale affirms its willingness to continue as a bank for everyone and to promote equal opportunities. In addition to the great contribution of all our employees, and on top of their expertise, Crédit Mutuel Alliance Fédérale also benefits from their cultural diversity in terms of gender, origins, geographies and social classes.

Crédit Mutuel Alliance Fédérale is firmly committed to work-study programs and integration into employment.

5050 Objective to reach gender equality in management and governance positions set in the 2019-2023 strategic plan

Diversity Enforcement of an anti discrimination charter to promote diversity, vocational integration and recruitment of disabled workers

PAQTE Support since 2018 of the 3-years programme Pacte Avec les Quartiers pour Toutes les Entreprises (PAQTE)

Support career development and mobility

Crédit Mutuel Alliance Fédérale invests heavily in the training of its employees in order to develop their skills and enable them to move into other professions.

Crédit Mutuel Alliance Fédérale has a structure that is entirely dedicated to employee training.

100% Objective to have all employees trained in digital transformation set in the 2019-2023 strategic plan

260 000 Training days carried out in 2022

1 400 Employees followed the School of managers’s training course to become managers of local banks or branches

5. Environmental ambition

Reduce the environmental impact of the Group

Aware of its role in the service of the economy and development, Crédit Mutuel Alliance Fédérale is committed to conducting all of its activities in a responsible manner.

Consideration of environmental, economic and social issues carrying out its business is one of the main areas of focus of its sustainable development policy.

30% Objective to reduce its carbon footprint (France, scope 1, 2 and 3) set int the 2019-2023 strategic plan

Voltalia Signature of a long-term contract with Voltalia for the direct purchase of renewable electricity with this green energy producer enabling the construction

Reinforce responsible service solutions

Crédit Mutuel Alliance Fédérale is also strengthening its environmental ambitions by committing to reduce the carbon footprint of its corporate and investment credit portfolio and by providing specific offers and financing to support customer-members and businesses in their environmental approach.

15% Objective to reduce by 15% the carbon footprint of its corporate and investment credit portfolio set in the 2019-2023 strategic plan

30% Objective to increase the financing of projects with a high climate impact at 30% set int the 2019-2023 strategic plan

Sustainable finance Reinforce solutions and offer quality and responsible service to support customer-members and businesses in their environmental approach

Learn about our responsible solutions

Banque Fédérative du Crédit Mutuel

4 rue Frédéric-Guillaume Raiffeisen
67000 Strasbourg

Financial Ratings

  • S&P A-1A+ stable
  • Moody's P-1Aa3 stable
  • Fitch Ratings F1+AA- stable

Extra-financial Ratings

  • MSCI: AA
  • Sustainalytics: 19,7
  • ISS ESG: C
  • Moody's ESG: 64

Correspondant Banking

  • RCS 355 801 929-Strasbourg
  • Clearstream: 70323
  • ESES: Adhérent 181 et 381