Crédit Mutuel Alliance Fédérale implements a responsible policy in keeping with its mutualist values. Its ambition is to support its clients in the transformation of their business model and thus contribute to the fight against global warming, reduced biodiversity, and environmental degradation.
Crédit Mutuel Alliance Fédérale decided to reinforce the rules related to the application of its sector policies by creating specific analysis grids to each sector of activity. These analysis grids integrate counterparties’ non-financial ratings, which are analyzed when the decisions to grant banking and financial transactions are taken. Thus, Crédit Mutuel Alliance Fédérale values ethical business relationships and proposes to supplement the financial analysis of the companies financed with an objective analysis of their non-financial performance and more specifically of their commitment to environmental, social and governance issues.
The sectors targeted by the sectoral policies are the following:
Agriculture in France is of particular importance regarding the production of quality food and the management of rural areas in the country. The agricultural sector plays an essential role in tackling climate change and in the ecological transition, notably by reducing greenhouse gas emissions, increasing carbon storage capacity, managing inputs reasonably, taking into account animal welfare, improving natural resource management, and preserving biodiversity.
Crédit Mutuel Alliance Fédérale want to strengthen its action in the agricultural sector and its climate ambitions to become a major player in the ecological shift from agriculture to agro-ecology, which is aimed at ensuring the sustainability of agro-ecosystems.

Transport by air, sea and road
The aim of the Mobility sector policy is to ensure that the banking group finances only the most carbon-neutral assets. This incentivizing policy concerns the financing of transport by air (airlines and aircraft purchases), sea (shipbuilding and shipbreaking) and road (vans and trucks).

From March 1, 2020, companies developing their activities in the coal sector will be excluded from all financial support throughout the entire value chain.
Generally, Crédit Mutuel Alliance Fédérale will cease supporting companies for which:
- the annual coal production is greater than 10 million tons;
- the installed capacity based on coal is greater than 5 gigawatts;
- the share of coal in revenue is greater than 10%;
- the share of coal in the energy mix is greater than 10%.
These criteria, reviewed annually are not cumulative. They are intended to totally eliminate the financing of energy derived from coal by 2030. They will be revised every year to become increasingly demanding.

In line with its commitments made in October 2021 to halt all financing of new exploration, production, infrastructure (oil and gas pipelines and storage units) or processing (oil refineries, gas liquefaction terminals) projects in the oil and gas sector, Crédit Mutuel Alliance Fédérale is reinforcing its approach and adopting restrictive thresholds in accordance with a defined schedule.
Crédit Mutuel Alliance Fédérale will refrain from providing banking and financial services to companies listed in the NGO Urgewald’s Global Oil & Gas Exit List (GOGEL) whose:
- share of production of non-conventional hydrocarbons is higher than 25% from 1st January, 2023;
- share of production of non-conventional hydrocarbons is higher than 20% from 1st January, 2024.
This voluntary trajectory is also in line with the objective of carbon neutrality by 2050.

Policy applicable to all financial transactions intended for mining companies irrespective of the mining resource and method of extraction employed. This covers the entire sector from ore exploration to shipping.
Commitment to no longer intervene in the financing or in investments that are directly assigned related to the development, construction or extension of mining or metallurgical facilities if one of the following characteristics is present: project for asbestos mines, small-scale mines, critical impact on a protected zone or a wet zone that is on the Ramsar Convention list, and UNESCO world Heritage sites.

Civil nuclear energy
Policy governing operations and advice provided to companies in the civilian nuclear sector. Crédit Mutuel Alliance Fédérale ensures that all requests fall within the framework of the laws in force and comply with the standards and/or recommendations issued by independent organizations in the nuclear sector.
An internal decision-making process is defined and follows a reference framework which notably takes into account the host country, the type of financing of the projects in question and the international financing rules.

Defense and security
Crédit Mutuel Alliance Fédérale’s sector policy related to operations with defense and security companies recognizes the existence of conventions, treaties, agreements and regulations specific to the arms industry.
Crédit Mutuel Alliance Fédérale refuses to take any part in controversial weapons operations and respects drastic principles regarding unconventional weapons as well as countries affected by such funding.

Crédit Mutuel Alliance Fédérale is developing means to control interventions that could participate, directly or indirectly, in deforestation. Hereby policy, the group takes into account the conversion and degradation of ecosystems and the human rights abuses that may be associated with it, such as“barriers to the development of a more just and sustainable society.