BFCM is at the core of the Crédit Mutuel Alliance Fédérale group, a French mutual group made up of 14 regional federations, supported by two networks (Crédit Mutuel and CIC) whose main activity is Bancassurance.

Its capital is 91.7% owned by Caisse Fédérale de Crédit Mutuel.

As the holding company, BFCM owns all the group's subsidiaries outside the mutualist scope. These subsidiaries cover the fields of bancassurance, specialized financial services (consumer credit, leasing, etc.), electronic banking and IT. It acts as a central refinancing unit and consolidates all the activities of Crédit Mutuel Alliance Fédérale outside the mutual scope.

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Crédit Mutuel Alliance Fédérale's Key figures

These results stem from an excellent commercial performance in all regions and strengthened operating efficiency.

2024 Full-Year

€16.6bn Net revenues +3.4% vs December 2023

€9.3bn Operating expenses +0.9% vs December 2023

€2.1bn Total cost of risk +59.8% vs December 2023

€4.1bn Net income +0.2% vs December 2023

109.2% Loan-to-Deposit ratio vs 108.5% December 2023

55.7% Cost to income vs 57.1% December 2023

0.38% Customer cost of risk vs 0.24% December 2023

3.2% NPL ratio vs 2.8% December 2023

18.8% CET1 ratio (estimated for 12/2024) vs 18,5% en December 2023

177.03% LCR ratio (average) vs 162.8% in 2023

Banque Fédérative du Crédit Mutuel

4 rue Frédéric-Guillaume Raiffeisen
67000 Strasbourg

Financial Ratings

  • S&P A-1A+ stable
  • Moody's P-1A1 stable
  • Fitch Ratings F1+AA- stable

Extra-financial Ratings

  • MSCI: AA
  • Sustainalytics: 19,7
  • ISS ESG: C
  • Moody's ESG: 64

Correspondant Banking

  • RCS 355 801 929-Strasbourg
  • Clearstream: 70323
  • ESES: Adhérent 181 et 381